What’s New¶
Version 1.12.0¶
- Added new menu option Apps -> Community Detection -> Tally Attributes in Hierarchy that annotates the hierarchy network by adding columns using values tallied from a set of attributes/columns in the parent network.
- Order of algorithms displayed in Run Community Detection and Run Functional Enrichment dialogs are now consistent with what is returned from CDAPS REST server. UD-1573
Version 1.11.0¶
- Added support for new edge list format COMMUNITYDETECTRESULTV2 allowing Community Detection algorithms to add additional custom node columns. UD-1091
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where View Interactions for Selected Node no longer worked if a session was reloaded. UD-1087
- Fixed bug where any values set in the community detection or functional enrichment dialogs were lost when when reopening those dialogs. Issue #3
Version 1.10.0¶
- Added new menu option Apps -> Community Detection -> Settings that lets caller easily change CDAPS REST server. UD-1066
- Added message letting user know using weight column in Community Detection dialog is an advanced parameter. UD-988
- In Community Detection dialog replaced About button with info icon next to algorithm selection dropdown. UD-987
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where changes to properties under Edit -> Properties -> CyCommunityDetection were not being loaded. UD-986
Version 1.0¶
- First release